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DTU job

1 - 15 af 157
1 - 15 af 157
Søgeresultater - DTU job
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU-Lyngby
Associate Professor in Theoretical Physical Chemistry - DTU Chemistry DTU Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a position as Associate Professor in Theoretical Physical Chemistry with emphasis on computational... -
1 lignende job: Danmark
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
Er du medarbejder med gåpåmod, drive og nysgerrig? Så kan du bidrage til Danmarks Tekniske Universitet ved at udvikle universitetets samarbejde med erhvervslivet. Vi søger en person, der er dygtig til at arbejde praksisnært i form af planlægning... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)-Lyngby
Are your interests within understanding and modeling of human mobility, smart mobility services, and assessment of new business models for better and more sustainable mobility solutions? If yes, then DTU invites applications for a full professorship... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
Til vores IT-afdelings Enterprise Service Management (ESMS) Team søger vi en deltidsmedarbejder med flair for IT og Forretningsprocesser (du må gerne være studerende). ESMS er en del af afdelingen for IT Services på DTU, som er den centrale IT... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)-Lyngby
Join the DTU Nanolab Team as a Professor in Plasma Aided Nanotechnology! Are you passionate about advancing the field of nanofabrication? DTU Nanolab is seeking a dynamic and innovative individual to fill the role of Professor in Plasma Aided... -
KU - SUND - PANUM KBH N-København
Obesity Treatment (SHIFT) SHIFT er et tværsektorielt netværk mellem kliniske eksperter inden for behandling af svær overvægt på regionens hospitaler, og forskere i overvægt på Københavns Universitet og Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Chair Professor Signe... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)-Lyngby
DTU Health Tech seeks a senior team member with a background in chemistry for a drug delivery project on cancer, infectious diseases, and osteoarthritis. The role blends research and commercial work on patented technologies, shaping research into a... -
Skelmose ApS-Frederikshavn
til fiskeribranchen, som kan udvide vores tilstedeværelse i Skagen – Danmarks største og vigtigste fiskerihavn. Hos MLD ser vi os selv som pionerer inden for fjernstyrede trawldøre, som vi udvikler i samarbejde med DTU Aqua. Vores mission er at revolutionere... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)-Lyngby
keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Wind and Energy... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
Do you want to make a positive impact on marine biodiversity and the green transition? Then our latest PhD scholarship may be something for you. At the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) we offer a scholarship to... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
and didactics of engineering education? Are you passionate about how to teach introductory physics using experiments to build the students’ conceptual understanding? With this PhD project, DTU is initiating a strategic initiative, which is a collaboration... -
Who are we looking for? The Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS;, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for one PhD position (100%, 36 months). The position is funded by the... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
Join our innovative drug delivery spin-out project DTU Health Tech is seeking an ambitious and energetic new colleague with a background in formulation chemistry to contribute to a pioneering drug delivery project aimed at cancer, infectious... -
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet-Lyngby
linked with the Hearing Systems Section at DTU Health Tech, and as such, be part of an internationally leading research group, who focuses on a range of hearing-related topics, including auditory signal processing and perception, computational auditory... -
Presse-Fotos.DK ApS-Vallensbæk
Vi søger en webmaster/softwareudvikler med erfaring i Wordpress, PHP og serveradministration. Gerne en kløgtig studerende fra DTU eller lignende. Opgaverne består blandt andet af:  •  At vedligeholde og udvikle vores nuværende hjemmeside... -
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